Ya-Liang Allen Chang
3 min readFeb 19, 2024

Huberman Lab Podcast筆記:糖和加工食品如何影響健康
Dr. Robert Lustig: How Sugar & Processed Foods Impact Your Health


“So if you could pick one thing to recommend to people that want to improve their health..”
“Get rid of the sugar. Period.”


— Dr. Robert Lustig,專長神經分泌學的UCSF教授 & 小兒科醫師)


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[果糖有多壞? ]
“fructose inhibits three enzymes necessary for normal mitochondrial function (AMP kinase, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain, carnitine palmitoyl transferase) — the dose determines the poison”

“Fructose: 70% of all items in the average American grocery store have added sugar because it’s highly addictive — it activates the reward center of the brain as effectively as drugs like cocaine
Fructose also dulls dopamine like drugs so you want more and more — it preferentially activates the reward center in the brain like cocaine, heroin, etc.”
70% 的超市食物有添加糖,因為糖會直接刺激獎勵中樞,令人上癮,就跟古柯鹼和海洛因一樣

“Fructose is a driver of leaky gut”

“Sucrose and high fructose corn syrup are metabolically indistinguishable”

“Fructose does not mean whole fruit! The fiber in whole fruits makes fruit ok (though fiber is present in varying degrees), but not fruit juice with added sugar”

“The recommendation for children is no more than 12g of added sugar per day”

“Fat is not fat — there are three fat depots: (1) subcutaneous fat — ‘big butt fat’; (2) visceral fat — ‘big belly fat’; (3) liver fat
It takes about 22 pounds of subcutaneous fat to become metabolically ill
It takes about 5 pounds of visceral fat to become metabolically ill
It takes about ½ pound of liver fat to become metabolically ill”

“Understanding fat: alcohol and sugar are the most metabolically egregious because they affect the liver directly; stress is the second most metabolically egregious because it affects visceral fat; fat is the least important in terms of metabolic health — it looks the worst but is least important”

“Glucose travels through your body and generates an insulin response; fructose goes straight to your liver and generates fat”

“Fats release pro-inflammatory cytokines: the fat cell has a storage place; the storage cell fills up and spills over — the breakdown of this ‘grease’ is the problem that causes inflammation”

“It has nothing to do with calories — “If you get the insulin down, you’re not shunting energy to fat. You can lose weight. Your fat will give up the triglyceride stored in it as soon as the insulin goes down.” — Dr. Robert Lustig
減肥跟卡路里沒什麼關係 — 重點是胰島素。胰島素低,就不會在脂肪儲存能量,就會瘦

“What makes insulin go up: refined carbohydrates, sugar, byproducts in cornfed meats”

“Intermittent fasting gives your liver a chance to offload what it’s stored”

“The food industry mantra: you have your own choice and personal responsibility
The problem is, that personal responsibility doesn’t work!”

“Four criteria for personal responsibility: (1) knowledge — most don’t even know what the problem is; (2) access — in this case, access to healthier choices; (3) affordability; (4) externalities — your choice can’t hurt anyone else”

“NOVA food classification, understanding through example:
NOVA class 1: apple picked off a tree
NOVA class 2: apple slices, destemmed, deseeded, deskinned
NOVA class 3: apple sauce, cooked, macerated, possibly added preservative
NOVA class 4: McDonald’s apple pie”
NOVA 1 Unprocessed or minimally processed foods 原型食物,如蘋果本人
2 Processed culinary ingredients 加工食材,如蘋果乾
3 Processed foods 加工食物,如蘋果醬
4 Ultra-processed foods 超加工食物,如麥當勞蘋果派

“go look at the nutrition facts label and anything that has more than four is NOVA class 4”

“Ultra-processed foods are not food — they’re consumable poison”



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