[Paper Reading] Graph Embedding and Extensions: A General Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
3 min readApr 10, 2019
Problem Definition
Propose a general framework for dimensionality reduction
- Linear models: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) Locality Preserving Projections (LPP)
- Nonlinear models: ISOMAP, LLE, and Laplacian Eigenmap
- Kernel trick
Graph Embedding
X: N*m dataset (m is usually very large)>>> N*m’ by a mapping function F
Weighted graph G: {X, W}
Diagonal matrix D and the Laplacian matrix L of a graph G
General Framework for Dimensionality Reduction
Related Works and Discussions
Kernel Interpretation and Out-of-Sample Extension
Brand’s Work
Laplacian Eigenmap and LPP
Marginal Fisher Analysis
- PCA projection. We first project the data set into the PCA subspace by retaining N Nc dimensions or a certain energy. Let WPCA denote the transformation matrix of PCA.
- Constructing the intraclass compactness and interclass separability graphs. In the intraclass compactness graph, for each sample xi, set the adjacency matrix Wij ¼ Wji ¼ 1 if xi is among the k1-nearest neighbors of xj in the same class. In the interclass separability graph, for each class c, set the similarity matrix Wp ij ¼ 1 if the pair ði; jÞ is among the k2 shortest pairs among the set fði; jÞ; i 2 c; j 62 cg.
- Marginal Fisher Criterion. From the linearization of the graph embedding framework (4), we have the Marginal Fisher Criterion which is a special linearization of the graph embedding framework with B ¼ Dp Wp :
4. Output the final linear projection direction as
w ¼ WPCAw
Kernel Marginal Fisher Analysis
Tensor Marginal Fisher Analysis
Face Recognition
A Non-Gaussian Case
- A general framework known as graph embedding, along with its linearization, kernelization, and tensorization, has been proposed to provide a unified perspective for the understanding and comparison of many popular dimensionality reduction algorithms
- Proposed a novel dimensionality reduction algorithm called Marginal Fisher Analysis by designing two graphs that characterize the intraclass compactness and the interclass separability, respectively, and by optimizing their corresponding criteria based on the graph embedding framework
- To systematically compare all possible extensions of the algorithms mentioned in this paper.
- The combination of the kernel trick and tensorization
Yan, Shuicheng, et al. “Graph embedding and extensions: A general framework for dimensionality reduction.” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 1 (2007): 40–51.