[Paper Reding] Discovering Discrete Latent Topics with Neural Variational Inference
3 min readMay 2, 2019
Problem Definition
Develop a fast, accurate and expressive topic model for documents
Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
Probabilistic topic models (e.g. PLSA , LDA and HDPs)
- Robust, scalable, and theoretically sound foundation for document modeling
- Introduce latent variables for each token to topic assignment
Traditional Dirichlet-Multinomial topic model
- Inference becomes more complex as topic models have grown more expressive
Deep neural networks
- Freat potential for learning complicated non-linear distributions for unsupervised models
- Neural variational inference
- Continuous/discrete latent variables
- Propose and evaluate a range of topic models parameterised with neural networks and trained with variational inference
- Introduce three different neural structures for constructing topic distributions: the Gaussian Softmax distribution (GSM), the Gaussian Stick Breaking distribution (GSB), and the Recurrent Stick Breaking process (RSB)
- Combine the merits of both neural networks and traditional probabilistic topic models
- Interpretable and explicitly represent the dependencies amongst the random variables
Parameterising Topic Distributions
Probabilistic topic models, such as LDA
- Use the latent variables θd and zn for the topic proportion of document d, and the topic assignment for the observed word wn, respectively
- Introduce a neural network to parameterise the multinomial topic distribution
The Gaussian Softmax Construction
The Gaussian Stick Breaking Construction
The Recurrent Stick Breaking Construction
Neural Topic Models
Recurrent Neural Topic Models
Topic vs. Document Models
MXM2 song lyrics, 20NewsGroups3 and Reuters RCV1-v24 news
Document perplexity
In this paper we have introduced a family of neural topic models using the Gaussian Softmax, Gaussian StickBreaking and Recurrent Stick-Breaking constructions for parameterising the latent multinomial topic distributions of
each document.
Miao, Yishu, Edward Grefenstette, and Phil Blunsom. “Discovering discrete latent topics with neural variational inference.” Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning-Volume 70. JMLR. org, 2017.